
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training 2024

Hybrid Course Available Online & in Berlin, Germany

Take this opportunity to join us from all over the world!

Awaken your Potential, Touch your Essence, Live your Truth

FAQ’s Course Outline Registration Information

Join us from wherever you are!

We are happy to be able to offer the 2024 program in a hybrid format — both in person and online. For those who may not have the capacity to travel or for any reason cannot attend in Berlin, we will have the home learning opportunity to join via zoom for Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training! Utilizing Zoom & our online learning platform allows for the full experience of the training and for each person to choose the path to certification that is right for them now.

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Considering Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training?

In this video former students share about their experiences.


About Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is a life changing undertaking. Use this opportunity to delve deeper into the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, the yoga of awareness. Through an alchemy of philosophy, theory, self-reflection, group work and intensive yoga and meditative experiences, this training will deepen your base as a human being to thrive in these challenging times as well as give you the skills necessary to teach Kundalini Yoga.

If your longing is to share tools that have touched you and begin teaching Kundalini Yoga, this training will equip you and develop within you your capacity to bring these teachings into the world. If your motivation for joining is to deepen your own understanding of the system and practice of Kundalini Yoga to support you in further developing your own human excellence, the Aquarian Teacher program will give you that. Strip off the layers that have held you back and awaken to your authentic self!

Training will be held English.
We may be able to provide review of content in German. Please contact us if translation is essential.

Hear the Call…

International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training


Course Outline

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Program

Gain a deep understanding and experience of Kundalini Yoga as a tool for physical vitality, self-regulation, mental clarity, profound upliftment and life transformation.

Develop the skills to instruct Kundalini Yoga - kriyas and meditations as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Practice teaching Kundalini Yoga.

Establish your own daily practice & experience group Sadhanas (daily practice)

A 220 hour course, with 180 hours of classroom instruction including:

Kundalini the Awakening Journey - Purpose &  Identity 

What is Kundalini Yoga - discover more about its roots and why it is such an impactful tool for these times and the importance of a daily practice. 

Anatomy  of Yoga 
Kundalini Yoga’s effects on the major systems of the body including the nervous system, glandular system, the brain & mental health with scientific knowledge, research and in-depth posture work.

Energetic Anatomy of Yoga 

10 Body System
Energy Centers - Chakras
The 5 Elements - Tattvas 

Elements of Kundalini Yoga 

Dive deep into the practice of & learn how to teach the essential elements of Kundalini Yoga from both the perspective of Yogic/Energetic Effects as well as the Anatomy. 
Kriya / Series
Asana / Postures 
Bandha / Body Locks
Pranayama / Breath 
Mudras / Hand Positions
Drishti / Focus
Mantra / Sound Current

Applied Yogic Philosophy 
The Soul’s Journey - Karma & Dharma 
Patanjali’s Sutras 
Stages of Development on a path of learning 

Meditation & Working with the Mind

Naad Yoga - Sound & Mantra

Sharing, Teaching & Living Kundalini Yoga in the times we are in
Identity of being a teacher
Practical tools for the art and business of teaching


Dates & Times 2024/2025

May 18 | Online Start Up Session
June 14 - 16
July 12 - 14
September 20 - 22
October 18 - 20
November 15 - 17

All of the above dates will be held both in person at Michelberger Hotel Berlin & streamed online (hybrid). Except May 18th will be held only online as a Training Start Up Session.
Fridays: 9:00 – 18:00
Saturdays: 9:00 – 18:00
Sundays:  9:00 – 17:00
*Sadhana/morning practice of yoga & meditation is held on Sat & Su from 5:00 – 7:30.

Thursdays 18:00 - 21:00 dates will be announced soon.

If you are considering Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in 3 Words from those who took the journey....

Course Collaboration

Together with the team of course trainers, all of you/the participants coming and Michelberger Hotel, a rich and uplifting space for EXPERIENCE is created. It is such a gem to have this course housed & hosted at the wonderful Michelberger Hotel as it creates an environment of nurturing, creativity, openness, and exploration in an urban spot to connect deeply to the dynamic creative dormant potential lying within, a Kundalini experience. Come be part of the magic that is generated here - together with all of us!

The course will be held in the beautiful Underlook Event Room at the wonderful Michelberger Hotel

Location: Warschauer Str. 39-40, 10243 Berlin Germany


Cost & Registration


Early Bird - Pay in Full

What is not included in the price:
Meals & Accommodations

Save €200 until April 6th, 2024


Early Bird Payment Plan

Paid in 5 installments.

What is not included in the price:
Meals & Accommodations

Save €200 until April 6th, 2024

Become a Yoga Teacher


Your International Teacher Training Team


Panch Nishan | Lead Trainer

Panch Nishan has been teaching Kundalini Yoga worldwide for over 22 years from Chile to Egypt, Iceland to China; a life-long path/love/passion sparked from discovering Yoga at the age of 14. She took the chance to live in an ashram for many years, study and work directly with a Master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan. Many years later, love inspired her move from the USA to Berlin where she currently lives with her husband and son. She passionately facilitates Kundalini Yoga teacher trainings, classes, workshops and retreats that support people to tap the well of energy within and live a fulfilling life, rather than one filled with stress and burn-out. As a systemic coach and trainer with a background in organizational leadership she is constantly spearheading change in her own life and facilitating change in those she serves. Creating a positive impact in this world lies at the heart of all her endeavors!


Caroline Eder (Sarab Prakash Kaur) | Guest Teacher & Physiotherapist

Caroline Sarab Prakash Kaur is a Kundalini yoga teacher Level 2 and physiotherapist. After 13 intensive years of practicing and teaching yoga, she now works in her own studio O·YOGA in Berlin. She combines Eastern and Western anatomy in her treatments and courses, and sees her task to convey the knowledge about the wisdom of the body and soul. Her main intention is to accompany people on their way to themselves, with open eyes and a courageous heart, so that true growth can arise. (Website)

Hansu Jot | Guest Trainer & Naad Yoga Expert - Sound & Mantra.

Hansu Jot is born in Hamburg/Germany with a taiwanese mother and a german father.  

Through the practise of his mother he very early came in touch with the values and various practises of Buddhism and the Chanting of Mantra and later decided as a young adult to dive into the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Naad Yoga (Yoga of Divine Sound) to study its deep and healing impact on the human body, psyche and emotions. 

Having finished the Kundalini Yoga teacher training in 2012 Hansu Jot is now traveling and touring the world to teach Kundalini Yoga workshops and share the Sacred Sound through Naad Yoga and Sacred Chant Concert events. Hansu Jot is part of Kundalini Yoga teacher and Sacred Sound training teams in Europe, in the US and in China and is co-founder of the “ASHA - Awakening of the Self-sensory Human Avatar” international trainings. 

Since 2016 Hansu Jot is integrating the Art of Meditative Healing a KRI approved Healing Method into his teachings and personal consultations.  


Nirvair Singh | Level 3 Teacher, Lead Trainer

Nirvair Singh Khalsa began studying with Yogi Bhajan in 1971. He is a retired University Instructor at the University of Alaska Anchorage where he taught classes in Kundalini Yoga for 31 years. He is an author of many Kundalini Yoga books and videos, and posts content on his YouTube Channel.

He is a KRI certified lead trainer, and has taught classes, workshops and trainings throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. He lives with his wife of 50 years, Nirvair Kaur, in Santa Rosa California.


MORE Wonderful & Experienced Guest Teachers
to be Announced Soon!


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